SolarNation is a non-profit whose audacious vision is to alter climate-change consciousness on a massive scale to accelerate the transition to renewable energy. SolarNation transforms individuals and communities from being paralyzed victims of climate change to being engaged participants and victors over climate change. This in turn leads to deliberate and sustained environmental action and progress over time.

Solar Nation implements this vision by supporting individuals and communities to take control of their energy futures through meaningful and direct actions:

 - Self-organizing their communities, towns and cities to pursue activities that will educate and energize a wide base, leading to programmatic policy initiatives and accelerated development of energy projects including community solar, energy efficiency and zero net energy technologies

 - Self-financing local community projects through crowdfunding style fundraising, maximizing the economic benefits of energy projects to the community and providing the ability to continuously roll investment returns into future projects

 - Helping other neighboring communities do the same by providing a framework to follow and a proven track record of technical feasibility and economic benefits